The Future of EHRs
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June 13, 2022
6:30 PM
what if our medical records were like...good?
Is it finally the time for new EHRs?
Raise your hand if you like your electronic health record. Exactly.
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are a critical part of healthcare, and yet they seem to leave so much to be desired.
This session will start as a presentation given by Nikhil. We'll go over:
- How EHR came to be and the current state of the industry
- Why now might be the time things change
- Some thoughts and examples on the future state of EHRs

Following this, we'll have a discussion with our panelists that are building that future.
- Shivdev Rao, CEO of Abridge
- Sophia Cornew, Strategic Partnerships at Ciitzen (now Invitae)
- Ada Glover, CPO of Zus Health
- Andrew Hines, CEO of Canvas Medical
We'll talk about everything around approaches/challenges to building in the space, novel use cases from customers, and how wrong Nikhil's presentation is.
Join us on 6/13 at 6:30 PM ET
(This webinar is not affiliated or sponsored by Invitae in any way. They are just hooking us up with a webinar zoom license).