Legal Stuff for Healthcare Software
Things You'll Get From This Course
Real Stories
Contracting Know How
How to work with lawyers
Andrew has been working and living healthcare technology for over 10 years. After spending time in the customer service, account management and security and compliance realms of the health-tech industry, in 2018 Andrew helped found Trifecta General Counsel, a health-tech focused boutique law firm in Madison, WI. During his time at Trifecta, and now as a partner at Michael Best, Andrew has been on the front lines of working with healthcare companies at all stages of their business, with an increasing focus and specialization on issues specific to digital and telehealth providers. Andrew’s combination of client focused service, and health tech background makes him one of the friendliest health care nerds that you’d ever hope to meet. He’s definitely a lawyer you want on your team.
Andrew is a graduate of University of Wisconsin Law School, and he and his wife still live in Madison, with their new baby and a rowdy 3-year-old chihuahua-pug mix. When he’s not working or spending time with family, you’ll probably find Andrew out sailing on one of Madison’s beautiful lakes, or in his garage, engaged in his new winter hobby, painting tabletop wargame miniatures.
Course Syllabus & Schedule
Module 1
Day 1
Module 2
Day 2
Module 3
Day 3
Module 4
Day 4
Module 5
Day 5
Module 6
Day 6
Module 7
Day 7
Module 8
Day 8
Module 9
Day 9
Module 10
Day 10
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this course for?
Anyone that is building a telemedicine-first business that’s exploring different structures or reimbursement models. Or if you just like hanging out with legal teams for some reason.
How much is it?
It’s free! This is the only time you’ll probably ever hear a lawyer say that.
Do I have to be at every session?
No, but we’ll be sad if you don’t come.
Will you give me legal advice for my company?
How many times do we have to give you this disclaimer? Nothing we said should be construed as legal advice. But we’ll have time for Q&A and try to point you in the right direction.