A Few Of Our Sponsors


Get your product featured in the OOP newsletter which has over 32K+ readers and an open rate of 58%
Banner Ad Or Full Page Analysis
- We offer two options for newsletter sponsorship
- Banner ad - Your company is featured at the beginning of the newsletter. You can use it to highlight your product with a graphic, product description, and tracking link.
- Full page analysis - We do a deep dive of a slice of healthcare, explain what your company does, and I give my thoughts on your product. We do a total of 4 of these per year.

Promote your product on our podcast, enjoyed by over 7,500 listeners that focus on healthcare operations.
Pre-Roll Ad
- Pre-roll ads are featured in the beginning of our podcast, ensuring high listener engagement.
- You can include both an audio message and a brief description about your product.
- Options to sell one episode or an entire season.
We host sponsored courses explaining different healthcare topics. There’s 1000-1500 signups per run.
Sponsored Courses
- Co-create an educational course that simplifies a topic in healthcare which you teach. The course is free for attendees.
- Assignments drive people to actually try out your product.
- You can demonstrate your expertise and thought leadership in a given area.

We also do Conferences, hackathons and Dinners to bring together people in the Out-Of-Pocket community.
Conferences, Dinners And Hackathons
- Dinners - We organize exclusive, invite-only dinners for 20-25 individuals matching your target ideal customer profile. There’s usually some structure to the event + a demo.
- Conferences - Our annual flagship conference, Knowledgefest, is tailored specifically for leaders in operations roles within healthcare.
- Hackathon - We host an annual hackathon where people build new ideas in 36 hours and present to a live audience of 150+. Roundups are posted online through OOP channels.
Get In Touch
We’ll get back to you with information on pricing, audience, and process
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